Eznext UserGuide:

This module is used to maintain the entire class timetable and teacher timetable.

Academics module workflow: First we will add Section and Class then we will assign Teacher to the class then we will add Subjects, Subject Group. further we will create Class Timetable and Teacher Timetable so the student can view their class timetable. Here we can also promote students for the next session. 

To add a section, go to Academics > Sections then enter Section Name and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Section List on the right side of the page.

To add class, go to Academics > Class then enter Class and select Sections (you can select multiple sections ) and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Class List on the right side of the page.

To assign a class teacher, go to Academics > Assign Class Teacher then select Class, section and select Class Teacher (you can assign single or multiple class teachers to a class) and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Class Teacher List on the right side of the page.

To add a subject, go to Academics > Subjects then enter Subject Name, Subject Code and select Subject Type (Theory/Practical) and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Subject List on the right side of the page.

To add a subject group, go to Academic > Subject Group then enter subject group Name then select Class, Section,Subjects and enter Description and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Subject Group List on the right side of the page.

To add class timetable, go to Academic > Class Timetable click on Add button present at top right corner of the page, then select Class, Section, Subject group and then click on Search button. The list of 7 days will be shown in the below of the page.

Now, you can view a select parameter to generate a timetable quickly. Here you can quickly generate timetables for each class and day.

To quickly generate a timetable, enter some parameters and click on the +Add New button to add multiple subjects, add subject, and add teacher. To generate a quick timetable, add Period Start Time, Duration (in minutes), Interval (in minutes), and Room No., then click on Apply. When you click apply, you can quickly view the generated time table. If you want to change the time from, time to, or room number, you can do so manually, then click the Save button showing in the bottom right. corner.

To view the teacher timetable, go to Academics > Teacher Timetable then select Teachers and then click on Search button. Here the teacher and other admin staff can see the selected teacher timetable.

To promote students, go to Academics > Promote Student then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. The list of students that need to be promoted  in the next session will be shown in the below of the page.

Here you can see the Current Results (pass/fail) and Next Session Status (Continue/Leave) of all the students and then select Promote In Session, Class and Section and click the Promote button.

Note:To  Promote the student to the next semester and to the class-section, First select session, class and section in which the students will be promoted. 

Then, it is seen here that the students have passed / failed in the main examination and whether the students will continue in school or not. If a student passes and will continue to school, only then select Pass and continue option . If a student fails and continues to school then select the Fail and Continue option.  In case the student passes but is leaving the school then select the Pass and Leave option. In scenario where student fails and is leaving the school too, select Fail and Leave option 

After login into the student panel, go to the sidebar menu and follow the Class Timetable link. Here students can see their weekly class timetable.

Student Record module is a collection of data for all the students. It is used for keeping end to end details of students including student category, admission, sibling, bank details, parent/guardian details etc.

Student information module workflow- First we will add Student Categories, Student House and then take Student Admission and then Online Admission, Student Details. If you want to add additional fields in student admission form then you can use Custom Fields feature for this go to System Settings > Custom Fields and add your desired fields in Student. If you also don’t want any default fields in student admission then you can disable it from System Settings > System Fields and disable student system fields. 

To  create a student category, go to Student Records > Student Categories then enter Category and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Category List on the right side of the page.

To add student house, go to Student Records > Student House then enter house Name and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Student House List on the right side of the page.

For student admission, go to Student Records > New Admission then enter Admission No (if you want to use auto generation of student admission number then enable it from System Setting > General Setting), Roll Number (Here the roll number does not contain any validation, this will be managed by administrator. Roll number is only for reference purpose, when you will generate the admit card of the student from the exam module , then a roll number will be auto generated for the related exam.) and Fill all entries here Class, Section, First Name, Last Name Gender, Date of Birth, Category, Religion, Caste, Mobile Number, Email, Admission Date, Student Photo, Blood group, student House, Height, weight, As on Date.

Add sibling- click on Add Sibling, sibling modal will be open. Here select Class, Section and Student and then click on Add button.

To add student Parent Guardian Detail, Fill the details Father Name, Father Phone, Father Occupation, Father Photo, Mother Name, Mother Phone, Mother Occupation, Mother Photo and fill the Guardian Details and click on Save button.

If you want to add more details of the student, then click on the Add (+) icon. Here you fill all the details Student Address Details, Transport Details, Hostel Details and Miscellaneous Details and Upload Documents and then click on Save button.

If you want to add bulk data of students then click on Import student option > download sample CSV file and add class and section wise students data into the excel. In the software you will see a bulk upload option. There select the class and section and attach the csv file of that class and click on import student option.

For Online Admission, go to Student Records > Online Admission. To use online admission first it should be enabled from System Setting > General Setting. The online admission form can be accessed directly from the url http://yoursite.com/online_admission. To use it in the front side, you must add the URL in the menu of the school website.

The students can fill all the entries there, select the Class, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, Email, Parent Guardian Detail, Upload Document and then click on Save button. The entire information will then be visible in the Online Admission module.

To admit/enroll students click on the Edit icon present at Action column in the student list page, at click of this icon Edit Student page will be open. Here enter required details of student then click on Save button if you just want to save student submitted record but to admit / enroll student you must click on Save And Enroll button. To delete any admitted student click on the Delete icon present in the student list page.

To view student details, go to Student Record > Student profiles then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. You can also search the student by keyword in the Search Text Box and then click on the Search button. The list of searched records will be shown in the below of the page. You can see the student list in list view and detailed view by clicking List View and DetailsView tab.

To disable a student go to Student Records > Student Profiles and then for the student you want to disable. On the right side of that student details click on the show option given under the action option. You will see a thumbs down icon on the right hand side top corner, click on that icon, select the reason and write any remarks if you want to and click on save button.

To add disable reason, go to Student Record > Disable Reason then enter the Name and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Disable Reason List on the right of the page.

To edit disable reason click on the Edit icon and to delete disable reason click on the Delete icon present in the disable list.


To view disabled students, go to Student Record > Disabled Student then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. You can also search the student by keyword in the Search Text Box and then click on the Search button. The list of all disabled students will be shown in the below of the page. 

To view the student profile click on the Show icon present in the student list. After this you will see a Thumbs up icon on the right side of the student’s profile click on that icon to enable the student.

To delete students in bulk, go to Student Record > Bulk Delete then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. The list of searched students will be shown in the below of the page. Here you can see all the student lists. To delete single or multiple students select the student list and then click on the Delete button.

To add multi class student, go to Student Record > Multi Class Student then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. Basically this feature is for training or coaching centers. Multi class features are not for schools or colleges. It is still in the experimental stage and we recommend not to use multi class features with multi sessions. 

To add more classes and sections, click on the Add icon and to delete class and section click on Remove button and to update record click on Update button

In the Fees Collection module, you can effortlessly manage student Fees Collection and maintain fees related data. Fees Master is created session wise so you need to enter Fees Master data for every session. In this model, we collect the fees, adjust the fee discount and see the fees collected by the student from the payment id.

Fees collection module workflow:- First we will configure the Fees Type, Fees Group, Fees Master and Fees Reminder and prepare our fees structure for the current session and then we will collect fees of the students then we will search fees payment and search due fees and check all reports and Students can also look for details of fees and can pay fees.

To add fees type, go to Fees Management > Fees Type then enter Name, Fees Code and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Fees Type List on the right side of the page.

To edit fees type click on Edit icon and to delete fees type click on Delete icon present in the fees type list.

To add fees group, go to Fees Management > Fees Group (fees group is collection of different types groups, here you can create fees group like Class 1 General – I Installment, II Installment fees, month wise fees, admission fees, transport fees, Class 2 General – exam fees, caution fees) then enter Name and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Fees Group List on the right side of the page.

To edit fees group click on Edit icon and to delete fees group click on Delete icon present in the fees group list.

To add fees master, go to Fees Management > Fees Master (In fees master, we collect fees type and fees group and after that we assign students for fees group.) then select Fees Group, Fees Type and Due Date then enter Amount (fees amount for selected session), Fine Type (Percentage/Fix amount) and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Fees Master list on the right side of the page.

To edit fees code click on Edit icon and to delete fees code click on Delete icon present at Fees Code column in fees master list.

To assign/view students click on Assign/View student icon present at Action column in the fees master list, it will redirect you in the Assigned Fees Group page, here select Class, Section and Category, Gender and RTE and then click on Search button. The list of assign fees groups will be shown in the below of the page.

Now select the student to whom you want to assign a fees group and then click on Save button.

To delete fees master click on Delete icon present at Action column in the fees master list.

To add fees master, go to Fees Management > Fees Discount. Now fill in the discount name, discount code, discount amount and description, and click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Fees Discount List. 

To assign / view students, click on the Assign / View Student icon, which is shown in the Action column in the fees discount list. By clicking on this icon, it will redirect you to the Assign Fees Discount page. Now select Class, Section, Category, Gender, and RTE, and then click on the search button. The student list will be displayed, and you can select the student to whom you want to assign the fee discount by checking the box, then click the Save button to assign the discount to the students.

To edit fees discount click on Edit icon and to delete fees discount click on Delete icon present in the fees discount list.

To add collect fees, go to Fees Management > Collect Fees option then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. You can also search by keyword in the Search Text Box. The list of students will be shown in the below of the page.

To view fees detail click on the Fees Collection button present at Action column in the student list, at click of this button Student Fees page will be open. Here you can see all assigned student fees details. To collect fees click on Add (+) icon present in action column, at click of this icon modal will be open. Fill all the details entries Date, Amount, Discount Group, Discount, Fine, Payment Mode (Cash, Cheque, DD, Bank Transfer, UPI, and Card) and Note (if you have any note) and then click on Collect Fees button.

Now you will see that the fee has been collected and you can see the fees status as paid in the status column.

Now to print the fee receipt click on the Print button which is showing in the Action column. clicking on it will open a fee receipt.

In the receipt, you can see the all details related to fees as well as you can also see the one note that says, “This receipt is computer generated, hence no signature is required

Now in the Revert button visible for reverting this fee which is also showing in the Action column.

when you click on the revert icon, the revert confirmation model will be open.

now click on the Revert button, so that student fees will be reverted.

To collect multiple fees, at the same time select multiple fees from left check boxes then click on Collect Selected button, so that collect selected model will be open, in this model you can see the multiple fees and below pay button available, simply click on pay button, multiple fees will be collected.

To fee discount adjustment, click on Apply Discount button from the Action column, at click of this button the Discount modal will be open. Here enter Payment Id on which you want to apply discount and enter Description and then click on Apply Discount button.

Go to Fees Management > Search Due Fees to look for overdue fees. You can select a single fees group in Fees Group and then select the class, section, and click on the “Search” button.

Here, you can see the list of students whose fees are due.

To set  a fee reminder, go to Fees Management > Fees Reminder. Fee reminder is for sending fee reminder notifications to parents. Here two types of reminders are given. After and Before. To use it, just active reminder and set your days. Such as before a reminder is set for 3 days then a fees reminder notification will be sent 3 days before fees due date.

To carry forward fees, go to Fees Management > Fees Carry Forward. If a student has the remaining amount in the previous session, then you can forward this remaining amount in the next session. Here select Class, Section and then click on Search button. The list of previous session balance fees will be shown in the below of the page. Click on save button to add this previous balance in current session fees of the students.

The main function of the human resource person is to make necessary staff arrangements, maintain staff attendance for the school.

Human Resource module workflow: First we will add Department, Designation, Leave Type then we will add staff members from Staff Directory, day by day Staff Attendance, and Payroll, Apply Leave, Approve Leave Request, Teacher Rating, Disabled Staff. If you want to add additional fields in staff form then you can use Custom Fields feature for this go to System Settings > Custom Fields and add your desired fields in Staff. If you also don’t want any default fields in staff then you can disable it from System Settings > System Fields and disable staff system fields. You can also check staff attendance and payroll reports and students can also give ratings for teachers.

To add a department, go to Human Resource > Department then enter Name and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Department List on the right side of the page.

To add designation, go to Human Resource > Designation then enter Name and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Designation List on the right side of the page.

To add leave type, go to Human Resource > Leave Type then enter Name and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Leave Type List on the right side of the page.

To edit leave type click on Edit icon and to delete leave type click on Delete icon present in the Leave Type List.

To add staff directory, go to Human Resource > Staff Directory click on Add Staff button present at top right corner in the page, at click of this button Basic Information page will be open.

Fill all entries here Staff ID, Role, Designation, Department, First Name, Last Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email (Login Username), Gender, Date of Birth, Date of Joining, Phone, Emergency Contact Number, Marital Status, Photo, Current Address, Permanent Address, Qualification, Work Experience, Note, PAN Number.

If you want to add more details of the Staff, then click on + icon. Here you fill all the details Payroll – EPF No (Employee provident Fund Number), Basic Salary, Contract Type, Work Shift, Location, Leaves – Medical Leave, Casual Leave, Maternity Leave, Bank Account Details – Account Title, Bank Account Number, Bank Name, IFSC Code, Bank Branch Number, Social Media Link – Facebook URL, Twitter URL, Linkedin URL, Instagram URL, Upload Documents – Resume, Joining Letter and Other Documents and then click on Save button. You can view this added record of staff in the staff list page.

To view staff details click on the Show icon present in the staff Records option. Here you can view basic details of staff Like Profile, Payroll, Leaves, Attendance, Documents and Timeline.

To import staff, go to Human Resource > Staff Directory click on Import Staff present at top right corner on the right side in the Basic Information page, at click of this button Staff Import page will be open.

You have to follow all the necessary instructions given. Here you can also add multiple staff at the same time for this, you have to create a CSV file format. You can also download the sample file from the top right corner by clicking on Download Sample Import File button.

You shouldn’t delete the first row of the CSV file. It is necessary to fill the required field in this file. After completing the file, here select Role, Designation and Department and then you have to select this CSV file on Select CSV File option and then click on Staff Import button.

To mark staff attendance, go to Human Resource > Staff Attendance then select here Role and Attendance Date and then click on Search button. The list of staff will be shown in the below of the page.

Here select Attendance (Present, Late, Absent, Half Day) for the staff, you can also select Mark as Holiday (National and Sunday holiday) and then click on the Save Attendance button. (If attendance has been already submitted then you will get a message of “Attendance Already Submitted You Can Edit Record ” in this case you can still edit existing attendance.)

To edit staff attendance, click on the Attendance (Present, Late, Absent, Half day) present in the staff list then click on the Save Attendance button.

To generate payroll for staff members, go to Human Resource > Payroll then select Role, Month and Year and then click on Search button.

Now, in the Action column of the staff list, click on the Generate Payroll button, this will open the Staff Details page with the payroll form. You can see a staff member’s profile and their attendance.

To enter the earning type and amount in the earning column, click on the Add icon. To remove an earning type and amount, click on the Remove icon. Similarly, enter the deduction type and amount in the deduction column and use the Add and Remove icons to make any changes. To view a staff member’s basic salary, click on the Calculate button in the Payroll Summary column. Once you have reviewed the salary details, click on the Save button to save the changes.

After reviewing the payroll summary, click on the Save button to generate the payroll. Once the payroll has been generated, you can see the status as ‘generated’ in the status column of the staff list.

Now click on Proceed To Pay button present at Action column in staff list, at click of this button Proceed To Pay modal will be open. Here you can see Staff Name, Payment Amount, Month Year and select Payment Mode, Payment Date, Note.

And then click the Save button to confirm that payment was made using the payment mode you chose, and you can see the status Paid in the column. 

To print payslip click on the Print icon present at top right corner in the Details page, at click of this icon print modal will be open.

To apply leave, go to Human Resource > Apply Leave then click on the Apply Leave button present at top right corner in leaves page, at click of this button Add Details modal will be open. Here select Apply Date, Available Leave, Leave Date, Reason and Attach Document and then click on Save button.

To view apply leave click on View icon present at Action column in the leaves page, at click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of staff members.

To delete apply leave click on the Delete icon present at the Action column in the leaves page.

To add leave request, go to Human Resource > Approve Leave then click on Add Leave Request button present at top right corner in the approve leave request page, at click of this button Add Details modal will be open.

Here select Role, Name, Apply Date, Leave Type, Leave Date, Reason, Note, Attach Document and Status and then click on Save button

To view disabled staff, go to Human Resource > Disabled Staff then select Role and then click on Search button. You can also search any disabled staff by entering any matching Keyword in the Search By Keyword Text Box and then click on Search button. The list of disabled staff will be shown below on this page.

To view staff details click on the Show icon present in the staff card. Here you can view basic details of staff like Profile, Payroll, Leaves, Attendance, Documents, Timeline.

To view teachers rating, go to Human Resource > Teachers Rating. Here you can see ratings and reviews submitted by students. To approve rating click on Approve button present at Action column in the teachers rating list page, at click of this button status will be approved.

Exams are the way to test our knowledge. Without conducting the exams and test students don’t concentrate on their studies. Exams are necessary in schools and colleges to find out the real skills, talents and knowledge of the students. This module is used to maintain entire examination records including exam grade, exam group etc.

Examination Module Workflow: In smart school, we use four types of exam types: General Purpose (Pass/Fail), School Based Grading System, College Based Grading System and GPA Grading System.

General purpose (pass/Fail) – This is a non-grading exam type used in the majority of schools/institutions.

School Based Grading System – Is grading exam type, in this you can merge two or more exams of the same session to get consolidated result with final exam. For merging exams, subjects should be the same for all exams.

College Based Grading System – Is grading exam type, in this you can merge two or more exams of different sessions to get consolidated results with the final exam.

GPA Grading System – Is GPA grading exam type based on credit hours and grade points.

First we will add Mark grade and then create an Exam group and then check Exam schedule and check the examination rank report and students can also check the exam schedule and exam result.

To add mark grade, Exam Record > Marks Grade then fill in the details: Exam type, Grade Name, Percent From, Percent Upto, Grade Point and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Grade List on the right side of the page.

To add the exam group, Exam Record > Exam Group then enter Name, select the Exam Type and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record  in the  Exam Group List on the right side of the page.

To add exam click on Add (+) icon present at Action column in the exam group list, at click of this icon Exam list page will be open.

To add a new exam click on New Exam button present at top right corner of the exam list page, at click of this button Exam modal will be open.

Here fill the detail such as Exam Name, Session, Publish, Publish Result, and if you want to show admit card roll no. on the marksheet you need to select the admit card roll number or if you want to show profile roll no. on the mark sheet, simply select the profile roll no. and enter the Exam Passing percentage and finally fill the Description about the exam and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record on the exam list page.

To edit exam click on Edit icon and to delete exam click on Delete icon present in the exam list page.

To assign/view students, Exam Record > Exam Group then click on Add icon present at Action column in exam group list, at click of this icon Exam List page will be open.

Now click on Assign/View student icon present at Action column in the exam list page, at click of this icon Exam Student modal will be open.

Here select the Class and Section and then click on the Search button. Here you can see all assigned or unassigned students for the exam. Now select the student you want to Assign and Unassign for exam and then click on the Save button.

To add exam subject, go to Exam Record > Exam Group then click on Add icon present at Action column in exam group list, at click of this icon Exam List page will be open.

Now click on the Exam Subject icon present at the Action column in the exam list page, at click of this icon the Add Subjects modal will be open.

Here click on the Add Exam Subject button present in the right side of the add subject page, at click of this button new column box will be added then fill the details Subject, Date, Time, Duration, Credit Hours (If you are using GPA grading system exam type, then enter the credit hour otherwise ignore it.), Room No., Marks (Max) and marks (Min.) and then click on Save button. If you want delete any subject then click on Remove icon

To add subject marks, go to Exam Record > Exam Group then click on Add icon present at Action column in exam group list, at click of this icon exam list page will be open.

Here click on Exam Marks icon present at Action column in the exam list page, at click of this Exam Subject modal will be open.

Here click on the Exam Marks icon present at Enter Marks column in the exam subjects, at click of this icon subject modal will be open.

Here select the Class, Section and Session and then click on the Search button. You can also download the import file from the right side clicking on Download Import File button. After importing csv file marks will be filled in the marks input box, if you want you can edit and check marks and then upload the file and then click on the Submit button.

To check the exam schedule, go to Exam Record > Exam Schedule then enter Exam Group and Exam and then click on Search button. The list of searched records will be shown in the below of the page.

To design admit card, go to Exam Record > Design Admit Card then enter the Template, Heading, Title, Exam Name, School Name and Exam Centre, Footer Text and select the Left Logo file, Right Logo file, Sign file and Background image and then Enable/Disable Fields on admit card and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Admit Card List on the right side page

To view admit card click on the View icon present at Action column in the admit card list, at click of this icon Admit Card modal will be open.

To edit admit card click on Edit icon and to delete admit card click on Delete icon present in admit card list.

To check exam result, go to Exam Record > Exam Result then select the Exam Group, Exam and Session, Class, Section and then click on the Search button. The list of searched records will be shown below of the page.

To print an admit card, go to Exam Record > Print Admit Card. then select the Exam Group, Exam, Session and Class, Section and Admit Card Template and then click on Search button. The list of searched records will be shown in the below of the page.

Now select the student to generate an admit card and click on the Generate button present at right side in the student list, at click of this button admit card will be open.

Note: Do not print the admit card directly, here select the Destination (save as pdf) and save pdf file and then print admit card using this pdf file.

To design marksheet, go to Exam Record > Design MarkSheet then enter Template, Heading, Title, Exam Name, School Name, Exam centre, Body Text, Footer Text, Printing Date, Left Logo, Right Logo, Left Sign, Middle Sign, Right Sign and Background Image and then Enable/Disable Fields on marksheet and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Marksheet List on the right side of the page.

To view marksheet click on the View icon present at Action column in the marksheet list, at click of this icon View Marksheet model will be open.

To edit marksheet click on Edit icon and to delete marksheet click on the Delete icon present in the marksheet list.

To print the marksheet, go to Exam Record > Print Mark sheet.

Now select the Exam Group, Exam, Session and Class, Section and Marksheet Template and click on the Search button. The Student List will be displayed below.

Here you can download the marksheet for an individual student or in bulk. To download the marksheet for a specific student, go to the Action column and click on the Download icon. The marksheet for that student will be downloaded to your system.

To download multiple marksheets, check the multiple or all checkboxes and click on the Bulk Download button, which is located right above the student list. This will download a bulk marksheet into your system.

To mark student attendance, go to Attendance > Student Attendance then select Class, Section and Attendance Date and then click on Search button. The list of students will be shown below on the page.

Here select  Attendance (Present, Late, Absent, Half day) for the students, you can also select Mark as Holiday (National and Sunday holiday) and then click on the Save Attendance button.

To edit student attendance, click on the Attendance (Present, Late, Absent, Half day) present in the Student list then click on the Save Attendance button.

To check attendance by date, go to Attendance > Attendance By Date then select Class, Section and Attendance Date and then click on Search button. The list of attendance will be shown in the below of the page.

School Receptionists answer phone calls, greet visitors and provide information to parents and students. They are able to provide information on a variety of topics, including rules, disciplinary measures and day-to-day operations of the school.Front office module workflow- First we will Setup Reception then we will manage student Admission Enquiry then add daily Visitor Book, Phone Call Log, Postal Dispatch, Postal Receive and then Complain.

To set up the front office, go to Reception > Setup Reception. You can add Purpose, Complain Type, Source and Reference data which will be used in different sections of the front office. Here enter Purpose and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Purpose List on the right side of the page. Follow the same procedure to make entries for Complain Type, Source and Reference.

To search the admission enquiry, go to Reception > Admission Enquiry. Select the class for which you want information, simply click on Class and select, as well as the relevant details of source, inquiry from date, inquiry to date, and status, then click on the search button, and the admissions inquiry list will be displayed in the section below. 

To add student admission enquiry, go to Reception > Admission Enquiry click on Add icon present at right side in admission enquiry. Here enter Name, Phone, Email, Address, Description, Note, Date, Next Follow Up Date, Assigned, Reference, select Class and Number Of Child and then click on Save button.

To view enquiry, select Class, Source, Enquiry From Date, Enquiry To Date and Status and then click on Search button. The list of enquiry will be shown in the below of the page.

To follow existing enquiry click on Follow Up Admission Enquiry icon present at Action column in the admission enquiry, at click of this icon modal will be open. Here select Follow up Date, Next Follow up Date and person Response, Note and then click on Save button. Here you can see a summary of this enquiry and you can also change the status of this enquiry from Status.

To Edit the admission enquiry, simply click on the Edit icon, showing in the Action column, the edit module of admission enquiry will be open.

Now update the details and click on Save button, admission enquiry will be updated successfully.

To Delete admission enquiry, simply click on the Delete icon showing in Action column, confirmation model will be open then click on OK button, admission enquiry will be deleted successfully.

To add a guest book, go to Reception > Guest Book then click on Add button, add visitor model will be open.

Here Add Visitor/guest, select the Purpose, Meeting With (in meeting with, when you select the student, three new fields will appear in add visitor model which are class, section and student).

And when you select the staff, the staff tab will appear in the model.

And now further fill in the details as Visitor Name, Phone, ID Card, Number Of Person, Date, In Time, Out Time, Attach Document and Note and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record on the front page of the guest book.

To view the guest list, click on the View icon present at the Action column in the visitor list, at the click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of the visitor.

To download click on Download icon document will be downloaded and to edit visitor details, simply just click on Edit icon, edit model will be open.

Now update the visitor details and click on the save button, your update will be Saved successfully.

To delete visitors click on the Delete icon present in the visitor list, Confirmation model will be open. Click on the OK button, visitor details will be deleted successfully.

To add phone call log, go to Reception > Phone Call Log then enter Name, phone, Date, Description, Next follow Up Date, Call Duration, Note and select  Call Type (incoming/outgoing) and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Phone Call Log List on the right side of the page.

To view phone call log click on View icon present at Action column in the phone call log list, at click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of the phone call log.

To edit phone call log click on Edit icon and to delete phone call log click on Delete icon present in the phone call log list.

To add postal dispatch/Courier sent, go to Reception > Courier Sent then enter To Title, Reference No, Address, Note and From Title, Date and Attach Document and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Postal Dispatch List on the right side of the page.

To view postal dispatch click on View icon present at Action column in the postal dispatch list, at click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of the postal dispatch.

To download an upload file click on Download icon and to edit postal dispatch click on Edit icon and to delete postal dispatch click on Delete icon present in the postal dispatch list.

To add postal/ courier received, go to Front Office > Postal Receive then enter From Title, Reference No, Address, Note, To Title, Date and Attach Document and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Postal Receive List on the right side of the page.

To view received couriers click on View icon present at Action column in the postal receive list, at click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of the courier  received.

To add a complaint/ suggestion, go to Reception > Complain then select Complain Type, Source, Complain By, Phone, Date, Description, Action Taken and Assigned, Note and Attach Document and then click on Save button. You can view this added complaint in the Complain List on the right side of this page.

To view a complaint click on View icon present at Action column in the complaint list, at click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of the complaint.

Homework is a set of tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed outside of regular class time. These tasks are intended to reinforce learning and help students practice skills they have learned in class. Homework can include reading assignments, writing assignments, math problems, research projects, and other types of activities. The amount and type of homework assigned can vary greatly depending on the teacher and the subject being taught.

Homework Module Workflow: Teachers can create homework for their Class-Section after creating homework teachers can evaluate homework for class-section students who completed homework or who did not.

To add homework, go to Manage Homework > Add Homework then click on Add button present at right side in homework list page, at click of this button a model will open, here select the Class, Section, Subject Group, Subject and enter Homework Date, Submission Date and you can see there is a tab for maximum marks, Attach Document (if you want to attach any file) and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Homework List page.

Now, search for the homework that you recently saved. Go to “ManageHomework” > “Add Homework,” enter the class, section, subject group, and subject, and then click the “Save” button. The homework that you recently saved will show up in your Upcoming Homework. Now click on the “evaluation” icon, which is showing in the Action column and the “evaluation homework model” will be open. You can write a remark in the evaluation model for each student according to their homework completion and other aspects.

The Content Library module is used to download the provided Content Type, Content Share List, Upload / Share Content, Video Tutorial.

In “Eznext”, “content type” typically refers to the classification or categorization of digital educational resources. The different types of content can include things like:

By classifying the content into these different types, the School’s system can better organize and manage the resources, making it easier for students and teachers to find what they need.

To upload any content, go to Content Library > Upload Content. Now enter the content title,select type of content, select Available for (either Admin or Students), select available for All Classes or particular class or section with whom you want to share the content, select upload date,write description, choose content type (file or video), upload file (incase you choose to upload file) or else write video URL in case you select to upload a video and then click on save button.

To view the uploaded content go to Manage Homework> Assignment(if the content you uploaded was assignment), Study material (if the content type was study material) or Other content (if you selected other content option to upload the respective content file or video)

This module is used to relate exams to all subjects question bank. The online examination module allows users to create examination papers by subject and using multiple-choice questions. The system can shuffle and give questions in different orders to different students. The online examination system also allows exam results to be viewed as batch wise. Online examinations allow teachers to view only their question while adding questions in Question Bank  by enabling Show me only my question from the General Setting page. If Show me only my question option is Enable and Teacher Restricted Mode is Disabled then teacher can view only those questions list which is added by him/her and if Teacher Restricted Mode is Enabled and Show me only my question option is Enabled/Disabled then teacher can only add/see questions list of that class in which he/she is a class teacher or subject teacher

Online examination module workflow: first we will add questions in the question bank and then create an online exam and check the all online examination report and students can give an online exam from the student panel and check the exam result published.

To add question bank, go to Online Exam Record > Question Bank then click on Add Question button present at top right corner of the question bank page, at click of this button Question modal will be open.

Here select the Subject, Question Type, Question Level, Class, Section and Question then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Question Bank page.

Here you can search any record by entering the class, section, subject, question type, and question level. The list of searched records will be shown below the page.

To View questions in detail, you can click on the View icon which is showing in the Action column.

To add online exam, go to Online Exam Record > Online Exam.

then click on Add Exam button present at top right corner of the online exam list page, at click of this button Add Exam modal will be open.

Here enter the Exam Title, Exam From, Exam To, Time Duration and select Attempt (its maximum attempt limit of a particular student exam for every assigned student), Passing Percentage.

After click on the Save button your question will be saved.

There are some icons too. The first icon is to assign exams to a particular class then the next icon is to choose questions from the question bank for this particular exam and lastly click on the edit icon to publish the exam for that particular class. After exam completion, you can again click on this edit icon to publish the result as well.

This module is used to add menu, page, event, media manager in smart school .

Front Website module workflow- First we will add menu and menu items, pages, banner images, event, gallery, news and media manager.

First of all, configure the front website by System Settings > Front Website Setting. Here select Enable/Disable fields are Front Website, sidebar, Language RTL Text Mode, Sidebar Option, Logo (369px X 76px), Favicon (32px X 32Px), Footer Text, Google Analytics, WhatsApp URL, Facebook URL, Twitter URL, YouTube URL, Google URL, Linkedin URL, Instagram URL, Pinterest URL and select Current Theme and then click on Save button.

To add menu, go to Front Website > Menus, here by default two menus are given (Main menu, Bottom Menu) then enter Menu and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Menu List on the right of the page.

To delete menu click on Delete icon present at Action column in the menu list.To add menu item click on Add (+) icon present at Action column in the menu list, at click of this icon Add Menu Item page will be open.

Here enter Menu Item, External URL, Open In New Tab, External URL Address, Pages and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Menu Item List on the right side of the page. Here you can arrange menu orders and add menu items up and down in the menu item list.

To upload a file, go to Front Website > Media Manager then Choose or drag file in the Upload Your File option then enter Upload Youtube Video URL and then click on Submit button. You can search media by entering any keyword in the Search By File Name textbox and you can also search any file by selecting file type ( like video, text,zip,Rar etc.).

To add pages, go to Front Website > Pages then click on Add button present at top right corner in page list page, then enter the page Title, select Page Type (Standard, Events (page to show all Events), News (page to show all News/Notices) and Gallery (page to show all images/video Galleries)) and Description, Add Media, SEO Detail click on Add (+) icon enter details here Meta Title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description and then select Sidebar Setting to show and hide sidebar and select Featured Image (featured image will be show only those themes or pages which have support for featured image) and then click on Save button.

 You can view this added record in the Page List page (Here you can see four by default page Home, Complain, Contact and 404 page.

To add event, go to Front Website > Event click on Add button present at top right corner in the event list page, then enter event Title, Venue, Event Start Date, Event End Date, Description, Add Media, SEO Details- Meta Title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description then select Sidebar Setting to show/ hide sidebar and select Featured Image (you can delete feature image click on Delete button) and then click on Save button.

Here you can view this added record in the Event List page.

To add gallery, go to Front Website > Gallery click on Add button present at top right corner in the gallery list page, at click of this button Add Gallery page will be open.

Here enter gallery Title, Description, Add Media, Gallery Images, SEO Details-(Meta Title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description) and select Sidebar Setting to show/hide sidebar and select Featured Image (you can delete feature image click on Delete button) and then click on Save button.

Here you can view this added record in the Gallery List page.

To add news, go to Front Website > News then click on Add button present at top right corner in the news list page, then enter news Title, Date, Description, Add Media, SEO Detail (Meta Title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description) and select Sidebar Setting to show/hide sidebar and select Featured Image (you can delete feature image click on Delete button) and then click on Save button.

Here you can view added News/Notices  in the News List page.

To add banner image, go to Front Website > Banner Images then click on Add button present at top right corner in the Banner Images page, at click of this button Media Manager modal will be open, here select the file which you want to add in banner image ( you can search  any file by its file type ( image, Video, Text, Zip, Pdf etc.) ) then click on Add button.

Here you can see the added record in the Banner Image page.

Certificate is a document that certifies that a person has received specific education or has passed a test or series of tests. Certificate Module Workflow- First we will design student certificates or id cards then we will generate/print them. If you will properly configure background, height, width etc. settings then you can design professional quality certificates or id cards very easily.

To add student certificate, go to Manage Certificate > Student Certificate then enter Certificate Name (certificate name is only for certificate design reference purpose it will not be print on actual certificate), Header Left Text, Header Center text, Header Right Text, Body Text (enter specified keywords for replacing student data dynamically at time of certificate generation), Footer Left Text, Footer Center Text, Footer Right Text, Certificate Design – Header Height, Footer Height, Body Height, Body Width, Student Photo, Background Image and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Student Certificate List on the right side of the page.

To edit a student certificate, click on Edit icon and to delete student certificate, click on Delete icon present in Action column in student certificate list.

To preview a student certificate, click on View icon present in Action column, at click of this icon Certificate will be open.

To add student ID card, go to Manage Certificate > Student ID Card then fill all entries Background Image, Logo, Signature (principal or authorized person signature image), School Name, Address/ Phone/Email, ID Card Title, Header Color, Admission Number, Student Name, Class, Father Name, Mother Name, Student Address, Phone (student Phone), Date Of Birth and Blood Group  and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Student ID Card List on the right side of the page.

To view an ID card click on View icon present at action column in the student ID card List page, at click of this icon ID card will be open.

To edit ID cards click on Edit icon and to delete ID card click on Delete icon present in the student ID card list.

To generate certificates, go to Manage Certificate > Generate Certificate then select Class, Section and Certificate and then click on Search button. The list of student will be shown below of the page.

Now select students to generate certificate and click on Generate button present at right side in the student list, at click of this button certificate will be open.

To generate ID cards, go to Manage Certificate > Generate ID Card then select Class, Section and ID Card and then click on Search button. The list of Students will be shown in the below of the page.

Now select student to generate ID card and click on Generate button present at right side in the student list, at click of this button  students ID card will be open.

This Module is used for maintaining end to end details of transport including route, fare, year made, vehicle number/model and entire driver details.

Transport module workflow: First we will add routes then we will add vehicle and then finally can assign vehicles to the routes further student can check the transport route list.

To create routes, go to Manage Transport > Routes. Here you can create route by fill the name of route in the route title and click on save button, your created route will be show in route list.

To edit a route, click on the Edit icon showing in action column, edit route model will appear, now update the route and click on save button, your update will be change successfully.

To add vehicles, go to Transport > Vehicles. Vehicle list will be open.

Here you can see the vehicle list, Now click on +Add button for add new vehicle, add vehicle model will be open, in this model you need to fill the all details of vehicle as Vehicle Number, Vehicle Model, Year Made, , Driver Name, Driver Licence, Driver Contact and Note if any about the vehicle then click on Save button. 

You can see this added vehicle details in the Vehicle List and in the action column you can see view, edit and delete option available, by click on view icon you can see the all vehicle details.

To assign a vehicle, go to Manage Transport > Assign Vehicle. Now click on Route so that multiple routes will be open in the drop-down menu, and select your preferred one. You can see the Vehicle option available in the below list, which is showing its vehicle number. Now choose the vehicle by checking the checkbox for the above selected route. You can also choose the multiple vehicles for the above selected single route by checking the multiple checkbox. Then click on the Save button so that we can see vehicle details in the vehicle route list.

To assign route to students, go to Students edit profile page and select the Route list then click on the Save button.

This module is used to maintain the entire hostel record including Hostel room, Rooms type, cost of bed, single/double bed and many more. The hostel can be assigned to students at the time of admission.

Hostel Module Workflow: First we have to add hostel then room type and then hostel rooms and check the hostel report and students can also check the hostel rooms.

To add a hostel, go to Manage Hostel > Hostel. Here enter the Hostel Name, select the Hostel Type and enter Address, Intake and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Hostel List present on the right side of the page.

To add room type, go to Manage Hostel > Room Type then enter Room type and Description and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Room Type List  on the right side of the page.

To add a hostel room, go to Manage Hostel > Hostel Rooms, enter the Room Number/Name, select the Hostel, Room Type and enter Number Of Bed, Cost Per Bed and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Hostel Room List present on the right side of the page.

Inventory Module is used to maintain the entire Inventory record including school uniforms, shoes, any specific book, notebook, sports asset and many more. The main purpose of this module is to make school equipment tracking easy.

Inventory Module Workflow: First we have to create our Item Category. After that we will create an Item Store then Item Supplier which will ensure us who will be the supplier of that particular item. After that we will Add Item then Add Item Stock so that we will be aware about the quantity of the item then at last, we will Issue Items to any staff members and then you can check inventory reports.

To create items category, go to Manage Inventory > Item Category. Here enter Item Category and Description and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Item Category List on the right side of the page.

To add an item store, go to Manage Inventory > Item store, here enter Item Store Name, Item Stock Code and Description and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Item Store List on the right side of the page.

To add item supplier, go to Manage Inventory > Item Supplier, here enter Name, Phone, Email, Address, Contact Person Name, Contact Person Phone, Contact Person Email and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Item Supplier list on the right side of the page.

To add an item, go to Manage Inventory > Add Item, here enter Item and select the Item Category, Unit and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Item list on the right side of the page.

To add item stock, go to Manage Inventory > Add Item Stock, here select the Item Category, Item, Supplier, Store and enter Quantity, Purchase Price, Date, Attach Document and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Item stock list on the right side of the page.

To issue an item, go to Inventory > Issue Item click on the Issue Item button present at the top right corner of the issue item page. Here select the User Type, Issue To, Issue By and enter the Issue Date, Return Date, Note and select the Item Category, Item and enter Available Quantity and then click on Submit button. You can view this submitted record in the Issue Item page.

Library Module is used to provide another space for students to learn and encourage students to read. School libraries help students to find the information and knowledge they need to succeed now and in their future life and work. This Module is used for maintaining end to end details of the library including books, publishers, books arrangement, availability, prize, issue details etc.

Library Module Workflow: First we have to Add Books in the library then add import books and then view & search books in the Book List. We can also check the availability for issue and return details of any book and check all the library reports and students can also check the book list.

To add a book in the Book List, go to Manage Library > Book List then click on Add Book button present at top right corner of the book list page. Here enter the Book Title, Book Number, ISBN Number, Publisher, Author, Subject, Rack Number, Qty, Book Price, Post Date and Description then click on Save button. You can view this added records in the Book List page.

To add a student as a Library Member, go to Manage Library > Add student then select the Class and Section and then click on the Search button to display the student list. Now click on + icon from student’s list,  at click of this icon a modal will open, enter Library Card Number and then click on the  Add button.

The added student will be shown in the student list. To remove a student’s membership click on the Surrender button present in the Action column.

To add staff member as Library Member, go to Manage Library > Add Staff Member after that to search specific member enter the staff name and click on Search button then click on + button from the Action column, at click of this button it will open a modal, here enter Library Card Number and then click to Add button.

The added staff member will be shown in green color row in the staff member list. To remove staff membership click on the Surrender button present in the Action column.

To Issue and Return the books, go to Library > Issue Return. Here search the student by entering Member Id, Library Card No or Admission No after that click on Issue Return icon from the Action column, this will redirect you in the Issue/Return book page

To issue a book, go to the Issue Book Section and then select Book (as you select the book the available quantity of that book will show in the bottom of the select box) and Return Date then click on the Save button. The issued book will be shown in the Book Issued section.

To return an Issued book, go to the Book Issued section and then click on the Return icon present in the Action column, at the click of this icon it will ask you to confirm, after your confirmation book will be returned.

This model is used to view or add messages posted by schools and for information related to Email or SMS.

Communicate module workflow- First of all, we will send the message or email or WhatsApp by notice board and then the sent message can be checked on the notice board or Email/ SMS log.

To send a message, go to ‘Communication’ > Notice Board. here enter the details: message Title, Message, Notice Date and Publish on, Message To (Select those you want to message) and then click on Save button.Here you can view posted message in the notice board page.

To send email, go to Communication > Send Email. Here you can see four tabs present at the top right corner in the send email page then select Group, Individual, Class and Today’s Birthday which user group you want to send email.

To send email to group (Student’s, Guardian, Admin), click on the Group tab present at top right corner of the page then enter the details message Select Email Template, Title, Attachment, Message and select the Message To (Student, Guardian and Admin) and then click on Send button.

To send SMS, go to Communication > Send SMS. Here you can see four tabs present at the top right corner in the send SMS page then select Group, Individual, Class and Today’s Birthday which user group you want to send SMS.

To send SMS to Group (Student’s, Guardian, Admin), click on the Group tab present at top right corner of the page then enter the details message SMS Template, Title, Send Through, Message and select Message To (student, Guardian and admin) and then click on Send button.

To send SMS individual, click on the Individual tab present at top right corner of the page then enter the details message SMS Template, Title, Send Through, Message and select Message To (Select the group of the person to whom you want to send email and then search for the member name in the textbox and to add more students click on the add button) and then click on Send button.

To send SMS today’s birthday, click on the Today’s Birthday tab present at the top right corner of the page then enter the details message SMS Template, Title, Send Through, Message and Message To and click on Send button.

This module is used for all school related expenses. Expense is the cost of operations that incurs to generate revenue. We can record all the expenses done in our school including payments to electricity bill, telephone bill, miscellaneous bills etc depreciation.

Expense module workflow: Before Adding expense, you will have to add expense head and then you can add expense then later you can search expense and check expense reports.

To add expense head, go to Expenses > Expense Group, enter Expense Head and Description here and then click on Save button, you can view this added record on the right side in the Expense Group list.

To add expense go to Expenses > Add Expense, here select Expense Group  and enter Name, Invoice Number, Date, Amount, Attach Document, Description and then click on the Save button. The saved record will appear on the right side in the Expense list.

To search the expense, go to Expenses > Search Expense and then select Search Type and click on Search button. You can also search the record by expense, for this enter the expense title in the Search by Expense textbox and then click on the Search button. The list of searched records will be shown in the below of the page.

The income module is used for creating opportunities, using existing and new resources, to generate additional revenue streams that can be added to traditional funding to further a school’s objectives. In this income module, Income can be generated, various means including money making initiatives, grants, donations, book sales, and the maximum amount of effort versus minimum amount of income.

Income module workflow: Before Adding income, you will have to add income head and then you can add income then later you can search income and check income reports.

To add income head go to Income > Income head, here enter Income Head and Description then click on Save button, you can view this added record on the right side in the Income head list.

To add income go to Income > Add Income, here select Income Head and enter Name, Invoice Number, Date, Amount, Attach Document, Description and then click on the Save button. The saved record will appear on the right side in the Income list.

To search the income, go to Income > Search Income and then select  Search Type and click on Search button. you can also search the record by income, for this enter the income title in the Search by Income textbox and then click on the Search button. The list of  searched records will be shown in the below of the page.

To pay fees, go to the sidebar menu and click on the Fees link. Here you can see your balance fees, To pay single fees, select record and click on the Pay button present in the Action column.

If you want to pay multiple fees at a time then check records and then click on the Collect button present at the top of the page.

Now click on the Pay button this will redirect you to the payment page from where you can pay fees by filling all the necessary details.

To print single fees click on the Print icon present in the Action column and if you want to print fees for multiple record then you can select records and then click on Print Selected button present on the top of the page.

On the Dashboard, accessed through the Student Panel after logging in, dashboard will be appear, here you can view various student related details, such as the Student Name with greeting as well as his image, Attendance Remark, Notice Board, Subject Progress, Upcoming Classes, Homework, Teacher List, Visitor List, and Library Book Issue List.

The Notice Board, located on the right side and that keeps students up-to-date with the latest news and announcements which are uploaded by the super admin / staff.

The Homework section shows homework assigned by teachers, including the due date, submission date, and status (evaluated, submitted, or pending).

The Library Book Issue List displays the book number, book title, issue date, and due return date for any books issued to the student.

To view the issued book list, go to the sidebar menu and follow the Library > Book Issued link. Here the student can see all the books that have been issued to him/her. Students can search any book by entering Book Title, Book Number, Author, Issue Date, Due Return Date and Return Date.

To add Daily Assignment, go to the Student Login > Homework.

Now click on the Daily Assignment in the top right corner to open the daily assignment list.Next, click on the ‘+ Daily Assignment’ button in the top right corner to open the ‘Add Daily Assignment’ model.In this model, first select the subject of the assignment and then fill in the title and description of the assignment. You can also attach files related to the assignment. Finally, click on the ‘Save’ button to create the assignment.

Once you have successfully created the assignment, it will appear in the daily assignment list.

Here you can view the Daily Assignment List, which includes the subject, title, description, remark, title, submission date, evaluation date, and an action column. The action column includes a download icon for accessing the attached file uploaded by you with their assignment, now click on edit icon.Edit daily assignment will be open, here you can update the details and click on save button your assignment will be updated successfully.
And if you want to delete your assignment, simply click on the delete (cross) icon, confirmation message will show.

Now click on the OK button and your assignment will be deleted successfully.

To check monthly attendance, go to the sidebar menu and follow the Attendance link. Here select the Month and you can see all monthly attendance reports. Here the green color indicates a student’s present.

To check the exam schedule, go to the sidebar menu and follow Examinations > Exam Schedule. Here you can see all exam list

To view exam schedule click on View icon present at Action column in exam schedule page, at click of this icon Examination modal will be open. Here you can see exam schedule details.

To check exam results, go to sidebar menu and follow Examination > Exam Result, here you see exam result.

To attempt the exam, go to the sidebar menu and click on Online Exam. Here students can see all the available online exams. In online exam you can see Upcoming Exam and Closed Exam section are available. 

In Upcoming Exams, students will be able to view the exam dates of those whose dates are currently available until the exam due date.In Upcoming Exam, you can see exam details as Exam Name, Quiz (In quiz result will be display to student immediately just after exam submission (descriptive question type will be disabled), Date From, Date To, Duration, Total Attempt, Attempt, Status and Action.

In Action column you can see view icon showing, simply click on view icon, online exam page will be open.

After verifying all the details and instructions, click on the Start Exam button which is showing below of the details. Exams will start with a new page.

After attempting all the questions you can submit the exam by clicking on the Submit button showing at the top right corner of the page, confirmation model will be open to ensure to submit the exam.Click on Save button, your exam will be saved successfully.

In Closed Exams, students can see those exam lists whose exam dates are passed. In this page you can also see Exam Name, Quiz (In quiz result will display to students immediately just after exam submission (descriptive question type will be disabled), Date From, Date To, Duration, Total Attempt, Attempt, Status and Action.

In Action column you can see the view icon showing, simply click on view icon, online exam page will be open.

To check the student report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Student Report. Here select the Class, Section and Category, Gender, RTE and then click on Search button. Here you can see student details like Section, Admission No, Student Name, Father Name, Date of Birth, Gender etc.

To check the guardian report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Guardian Report. Here select the Class and Section and then click on the Search button. Here you can see guardian details like Class, Admission No, Student Name, Mobile Number, Guardian Name, Guardian Relation, Guardian Phone etc

To check the student login credential report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Student Login Credential. Here select Class and Section and then click on the Search button. Here you can see the student’s login credential details as Admission Number, Student Name, Student Username, Student Password.

To check the admission report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Admission Report. Here select the Search Type and then click on the Search button. Here you can see admission details like Admission No, Student Name, Class, Father Name, Date of Birth, Admission Date etc.

To check sibling reports, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Sibling Report. Here select the Class and Section and then click on the Search button. Here you can see sibling details like Father Name, Mother Name, Guardian Name, Guardian Phone, Student Name(sibling) etc.

To check the fees statement, go to Report > Finance click on Fees Statement. Here select Class, Section and Student and then click on the Search button. Here you can see the student fees statement.

To check fees collection report, go to Report > Finance click on Fees Collection Report. Here please select the Search Duration, Class, Section, Fees Type, Collect By and Group By and then click on Search button. The list of searched records will be shown in the below of the page.

To check the balance fees report, go to Report > Finance and click on Balance Fees Report.  Here select Class, Section and Search Type in search type you can see all, balance, paid and select the one of them and then click on the Search button. The list of searched records will be shown in the below of the page.

To check the online fees collection report, go to Report > Finance click on Online Fees Collection Report. Here select Search Type and then click on Search button. The list of searched records will be shown in the below of the page.

To check online exam wise reports, go to Reports > Online Examinations then click on Result Report. Here select the Exam, Class and Section and then click on the Search button.  Here you can see exam details like Admission No, Student Name, Class, Total Attempt, Remaining Attempt.

To view the exam click on View icon present at Action column in the online exam report, at click of this icon Exam modal will be open.

Exam information such as Exam Name, Student Name, Class, Section, Father Name, Total Attempt And Exam From, Exam To, Duration, Passing Percentage, Total Question, Correct Answer, Wrong Answer, Not Attempted, Score Percentage, Question and Answer, and so on are available here. You can also print all the details by clicking on the print icon button shown at the top of the modal.

To check the online exam rank report, go to Reports > Online Examinations click on Online Exam Rank Report. Here select the Exam, Class and Section and then click on the Search button. Here you can see rank wise student details like Admission No, Class, Section, Exam, Correct Answer, Incorrect Answer, Total Question, Percentage, Result.

To check online exam report, go to Reports > Online Examinations click on Exams Report. Here select the Search Type and Date Type and then click on Search button. Here you can see online exam details like Exam, Attempt, Exam From, Exam To, Duration, Assign, Question, Exam Publish, Result Publish

To check attendance report, go to Report > Attendance click on Attendance Report. Here select Class, Section, Month and Year and then click on Search button. The list of searched record will be shown in the below of the page.

To check student period attendance report, go to Report > Attendance click on Student Period Attendance Report. Here select Class, Section and Student, Month and Year and then click on Search button. The list of searched record will be shown in this below of the page.


Ans: We are a team of dedicated professionals working on cutting-edge technologies. 30Days Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading ERP development companies in Delhi NCR. We have proven expertise in custom ERP development, mobile application development, Digital marketing, and IoT. Our services range from as simple as web page development to large-scale ERP product development. Currently, we cater to our customer base spread across India as well as overseas.

Ans: We have many additional configurations available in the software which can be implemented as per customer requirements and incase needed we are ready to do customisation too.

Ans: Sorry, we deal in online cloud based solutions which are quite reliable and cost effective too and ensures data security as well. The data backup is taken on a daily basis so no data will be lost too.

Ans: Yes. Eznext can be easily accessed through Android applications by Admin, staff, students and parents too.